New Venues
Increasing income
Due to the ever-changing cycle of education, schools are now required to imbed strategic business initiatives in order to succeed. If your school’s facilities are not currently being hired, you are currently losing out on huge revenue that could be used within your school; without you even lifting a finger!
Policies & Procedures
Our Kinetic Camps have been hugely successful since opening and we operate across every half term (except Christmas). This allows us to keep great positive relationships with the children we have in our care and a fantastic place for children to make new friends whilst being active. Our camps offer parents childcare at an extremely affordable price whilst offering piece of mind that their child is well looked after and safe.
Going the extra mile!
We use traditional methods to ensure we stay in touch with the community. We use current social media to stay in touch with the parents across various platforms. This confirms our marketing is aimed at the correct audience, ensuring successful attendance levels.